full line of services to help with all your metal recycling needs, including transportation and disposal of materials. Check out our “Services Page” for more details in what we offer.
full line of services to help with all your metal recycling needs, including transportation and disposal of materials. Check out our “Services Page” for more details in what we offer.
full line of services to help with all your metal recycling needs, including transportation and disposal of materials. Check out our “Services Page” for more details in what we offer.
full line of services to help with all your metal recycling needs, including transportation and disposal of materials. Check out our “Services Page” for more details in what we offer.
The following information has been taken from ISRI of which we are members.
Iron Mountain Processing buys ferrous metals from metal dealers, demolition and construction firms and others who generate obsolete metal and manufacturers who generate industrial metal during their course of business.
Iron Mountain Processing, LLC’s office is located at 25600 Solon Road in Bedford Heights, Ohio 44146.
Steel is the most recycled material both in the United States and worldwide. In the United States alone, 66 million metric tons of ferrous scrap was processed by the scrap recycling industry last year. Obsolete ferrous scrap is recovered from automobiles, steel structures, household appliances, railroad tracks, ships, farm equipment,and other sources. In addition, prompt scrap, which is generated from industrial and manufacturing sources, accounts for approximately half of the ferrous scrap supply.
Both obsolete and prompt scrap are processed by the scrap recycling industry into commodity grade material that is used to produce more than 60 percent of total raw steel produced in the United States, predominantly at electric arc furnaces. In addition, the United States exports ferrous scrap to more than 75countries worldwide. Domestic and foreign steel mills, foundries, and other industrial consumers rely on ferrous scrap as a vital, environmentally-friendlyand cost-efficient raw material for the production of new steel and cast iron products. Depending on the life-cycle of those finished products, the ferrous scrap once again becomes available for recycling in the months and years ahead.
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